AME Conference, here we come again!
Future Life Research researched SDG-actions and positive behavior of individuals. The results of the research are summarized in a short article and submitted to the 46th Conference of the Association of Moral Education. With the theme “Morality, Environmental Sustainability, and Education” that suits our research very well. A few weeks ago, we received an email with good news! The submission has been accepted. This means that Nicolet will present the research during the online conference in October!
Theunissen, N.C.M. & Kamphuis, P.R.A. (2020) Exploring the relationships between Sustainable Development Goals actions and positive behaviour actions of individuals. Paper accepted for the 46th Annual AME Conference October 28 – November 1 online conference.
The aim is to study if individual general positive behaviour is related to the specific actions individuals can undertake to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To identify these relationships, the SDG-actions questionnaire is developed. Factor analysis identified eight scales: Defend People & Planet, Live a Hippie Life, Improve Global World, Care for Nature, Optimize Natural Resources, Seek Fairness, Cherish Humans and Embrace Education*. To measure positive behaviour, the Virtues Mirror (VM) is used. Analyses demonstrated a significant relationship between total SDG-action scores and total VM scores. VM scales Brave, Thankful and Likeable related significantly to several SDG-actions scales. Future research will show if moral education directed to this positive behaviour increases SDG-actions.
*Updated scale names 2022: Defend people and planet, Live a hippie life, Better the world, Protect nature, Use renewable energy, Share fairly, Care for people and Support education
Topic: Moral Development
Code: N3019