Paper accepted for the Association for Moral Education

The Virtues Mirror is a questionnaire for online self-evaluation of moral behaviour. The questionnaire approaches virtues as state (not trait) to promote practicing virtues. The preliminary conclusion is that the questionnaire offers a good starting point for moral development. Theunissen, N.C.M. (2018) The Virtues Mirror: a new online self-evaluation questionnaire to support moral development. Paper […]

The Virtues Mirror is fully operational.

Status update at The Virtues Mirror: a new online self-evaluation questionnaire to support moral development. The Virtues Mirror (in Dutch: Deugdenspiegel) is fully operational. Data-collection for validation and reliability tests is running in a convenience sample of people joining the MyVirtues website (in Dutch: The questionnaire is created based on a scientific literature […]

Negotiating with yourself: Don’t!

Negotiating with yourself = telling yourself that you don’t have to implement your good intentions for reasons that are clear to you. These were your own good plans, right? So: negotiating with yourself? DON’T! Does this sounds familiar: you have made a good intention and when the time comes, you convince yourself that you don’t […]

MyVirtues status update

Status update at Virtues for the 21th century: moral competences and moral development using ubiquitous learning Goal: Open any newspaper and you’ll see that society can use more virtuous behavior. However, virtues are often considered ‘old fashioned’ and people do not relate them to their (working)life. Therefore, the project (Dutch for is […]

Paper accepted: Interdisciplinary Conference on Character and Virtues

This presentation reports about the first phase of the development of a virtues self-evaluation instrument: a search for virtues relevant for the 21th century professional. Theunissen, N. C. M. (2016). Virtues for the 21th century professional. Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Character and Virtues in the Professions, June 2-4 2016, University of Birmingham, UK, […]

Classical wisdom for the 21sth century

Sorry, not translated yet, please use your browser’s instant translation option or sent me a request for translation Misschien heb je in ontwikkeling gezien. Hoog tijd om hier eens wat meer over te vertellen. Update 2019: Op 4 juni is de MijnDeugden website opnieuw gelanceerd onder de naam (lees hier wat er is veranderd). […]

Workshop Virtues at Permanent Beta Festival

Sorry, not translated yet, please use your browser’s instant translation option or sent me a request for translation Deze keer geen overwegingen maar een stukje reclame. Binnenkort (ergens tussen 9 en 12 september, zodra ik meer weet weten jullie het ook) geef ik een nieuwe workshop rondom Deugden: Ook als het moeilijk wordt het ‘juiste’ […]

Love-hate relationship with gadgets.

Sorry, not translated yet, please use your browser’s instant translation option or sent me a request for translation Vandaag viel het me plotseling op: ik heb een haat-liefde verhouding met gadgets. Ja, je kunt me blij maken met apparaten die het leven makkelijker maken. Ik mag bijvoorbeeld graag met een glas witte wijn in de […]