Evaluation implementation monitor ZonMW

Theunissen, N. C. M., te-Pas, S. M. E., & Friele, R. D. (2003). Evaluatie Implementatiemonitor ZonMW: onderzoek naar de relatie tussen implementatieplannen en hun uitkomsten (Evaluation Implementation monitor ZonMW: research into the relationship between implementation plans and their outcomes) [report]. Utrecht: NIVEL.

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(From the summary) The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the implementation monitor. The results show that ZonMW projects that score ‘well’ on the implementation monitor also do ‘well’ in practice. Because of the diversity of the material reviewed, the reliability of the monitor still needs attention. Recommendations have therefore been made about how the monitor should be used in the future. The empirical basis for the implementation projects was found to be in need of improvement. The results of the study could be implemented in ZonMw’s procedures for managing and evaluating implementation projects. This could improve the quality of such projects, increasing the likelihood that implementation projects will actually contribute to evidence-based health care.

keywords: implementation, research, health policy, instrument

Topic: Learning innovations publications
Code: N1638