Dr. Nicolet Theunissen focuses on learning innovations for moral development. To help your organization improving its moral climate.

Reputational damage? Prevent it rather than cure it!

In the delusion of the day, moral carelessness can occur. By stimulating moral development, employees become more resilient to integrity challenges. With a personal annual subscription to BetterYourself.app, employees are intrinsically motivated to ‘do the right thing even when nobody is watching’. BetterYourself.app can be used for business purposes for both individuals and organisations. Very suitable as an addition to compliance and ethics trajectories.

Innovative solutions for compliance policy implementation

Today’s compliance officer or integrity manager looks beyond punishing and regulating. After all, scientific research has shown that punishment can play a role in preventing misconduct, but is less suitable for raising awareness and stimulating positive behaviour. The Halsema Committee already concluded in 2013 that “a good structure and good rules are not always sufficient to prevent bad behaviour, but that good behaviour can save a bad structure and bad rules”.

Good behaviour can be stimulated by positive confirmation and concrete constructive activities. BetterYourself.app does exactly that, it offers concrete innovative solutions to turn compliance policy into practice. By making use of insights from philosophy, psychology and educational science, a palette of online possibilities has been developed. Suitable for both practically and theoretically trained employees. The Interactive Micro Learning modules can be complemented with on-site training for a Blended Learning approach. This stimulates the moral development of employees in a positive way.

Take advantage of the innovative range of practical exercises. Stimulate the moral development of your employees and turn policy into practice.

Request a demo


Evaluation of the moral climate in the organization

Your company or organisation has been doing well for years. You have a vision in which ethical action is important. Your employees are intrinsically motivated to act ethically. You have clear rules of conduct for a positive culture of integrity. Then the moral climate in your organization must be good. Doesn’t it?

Hardly anyone deliberately chooses unethical and unethical behaviour. And yet that behaviour can occur, not out of malice but because of a lack of attention. The result: unconscious bad behaviour, also known as moral negligence. Behaviour that can ultimately threaten the moral climate in the organization. Moral carelessness can be countered by activating moral sensitivity. Then one becomes aware of ethical dilemmas. Then one always chooses the right thing, even when nobody is watching. Awareness begins with a good evaluation of the moral climate in the organization. Then everyone knows again what positive behaviour is or is not put into practice.

Have your moral climate evaluated in a scientifically sound manner. Know where your organization stands.




Independent research into the effect of compliance interventions

You may make interventions to improve the moral climate to improve compliance. Then, of course, you want to know what the return-on-investment of this is. Whether it is going in the right direction and whether there really are improvements. It is not for nothing that an effect measurement towards the development of integrity awareness is one of the standard elements of the Stimulation framework for Integrity Organization (Dutch Incentive Framework for Integrity). A good way to carry out effect measurements is to work according to the rules of applied research. This is research according to scientific standards, in which concrete solutions are sought for practice.

Future Life Research takes the combination of science and practice seriously. We are only satisfied when you not only get a good and reliable picture of the current situation, but also quickly see the possibilities for future improvements. Our research focuses on the insights that are needed in the current compliance phase. Targeted short-cycle research ensures that you quickly see whether you are on the right track.

Take a critical look at the usefulness of interventions for a better moral climate. Have applied research done so that you can make targeted and well-founded adjustments.




The expert

Foto: Mieke Gresnigt (2019) Portret van Nicolet C.M. Theunissen. (c) Future Life Research.
Photo: Mieke Gresnigt (2019)

Dr. Nicolet C.M. Theunissen is a psychologist and an expert in the field of learning innovations for moral development. She does not limit herself to questions of integrity and moral courage. Virtues such as self-confidence, empathy, passion and ambition are also addressed. Virtues are positive personal qualities that together form a moral compass: they help to do the ‘good’ in life’s big and small moral dilemmas. By strengthening virtues, you stimulate the moral climate in your company or organisation.

Theunissen is initiator and owner of BetterYourself.app, an innovative website for positive behavior and integrity. She is a member of the Association for Moral Education (AME). Her craftsmanship, creativity, leadership, (self)critical ability and business acumen make her an inspiring research leader and speaker. You can approach her for:

  • Practical solutions for implementing compliance policies.
  • Scientific evaluation of the moral climate in the organisation.
  • Independent research into the effect of compliance interventions.
  • Support for moral development in business context.

