Since February this year we have an office in the Ondernemershuis at the Zwitsal site in Apeldoorn. For over five years, FLR has been working mainly with a flexible team of independent professionals and small businesses here and there in the Netherlands. As a result, there was little need for an office. That has changed […]
Farewell as Head of Research at Wittenborg
After much consideration, I resigned from my role as Head of Research of Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences. I could no longer combine the combination of this role and building FLR and then you have to choose! In the internal Wittenborg newsletter it was nicely summarized: Dr. Nicolet Theunissen Lays her role down as Head […]
Evaluation implementation monitor ZonMW
Theunissen, N. C. M., te-Pas, S. M. E., & Friele, R. D. (2003). Evaluatie Implementatiemonitor ZonMW: onderzoek naar de relatie tussen implementatieplannen en hun uitkomsten (Evaluation Implementation monitor ZonMW: research into the relationship between implementation plans and their outcomes) [report]. Utrecht: NIVEL. PDF (1 Mb) | Publisher Abstract (From the summary) The main purpose of […]