The Virtues Mirror is a questionnaire for online self-evaluation of moral behaviour. The questionnaire approaches virtues as state (not trait) to promote practicing virtues. The preliminary conclusion is that the questionnaire offers a good starting point for moral development.
Theunissen, N.C.M. (2018) The Virtues Mirror: a new online self-evaluation questionnaire to support moral development. Paper accepted for presentation at the 44th Annual AME (Association for Moral Education) Conference, 7-10 November, Barcelona, Spain.
The Virtues Mirror is a questionnaire for online self-evaluation of moral behaviour. The questionnaire approaches virtues as state (not trait) to promote practicing virtues. It is created according to social sciences standards in questionnaire construction and is user-friendly and easy worded. This helps to increase the motivation for repeated use in the Dutch self-development website (MyVirtues). Preliminary results (n=190, all Cronbach’s alpha ≥.89) show good internal consistency of the six Virtue Role scales: Likeable, Brave, Enthusiastic, Careful, Balanced and Thankful Person. The preliminary conclusion is that the questionnaire offers a good starting point for moral development.
Topic: Moral Development
Code: N3018